The demos in some of these projects are best viewed using a modern browser such as Chrome Browser. So without further ado, here they are.
A browser-based group chat using WebSocket API. This is the group chat from previous demo updated to use WebSocket API and to connect to a free WebSocket server.
An online product catalog using Angular and Angular Material for front-end and Web API and Entity Framework for back-end.
A browser-based group chat using Web API and Server-Sent Events.
A simple ASP.NET MVC5 demo on OWIN/Katana pipeline and middleware components.
A simple CSS fix to display Bootstrap's Navbar menu dropdown on hover.
An ASP.NET MVC WebGrid with server-side sorting and paging, and simple filtering.
Shows how to consume a web service using jQuery AJAX.
Shows how to consume a web service using HTTP POST.
Shows how to consume a web service using proxy class.
Basic implementation of a legacy ASP.NET web service
Shows how to use Razor, the default templating engine in ASP.NET MVC.
Shows how media queries can make web page more responsive to browser width changes.
Shows how content in fixed width web page is clipped when browser width is reduced.
A javascript-only implementation of a to-do list application.