Rodan Sotto

My Projects

The demos in some of these projects are best viewed using a modern browser such as Chrome Browser. So without further ado, here they are.

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Group Chat - A WebSocket Demo

A browser-based group chat using WebSocket API. This is the group chat from previous demo updated to use WebSocket API and to connect to a free WebSocket server.

Demo » Code »

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Product Catalog - An Angular and Material Demo (SQLite in browser version)

This is the online product catalog from previous demo updated to use Angular 14 and SQLite in browser. No back-end server running required.

Demo » Code »

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Product Catalog - An Angular and Material Demo (MVC 5 API version)

An online product catalog using Angular and Angular Material for front-end and Web API and Entity Framework for back-end.

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Client Code » Server Code »

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Group Chat - A Server-Sent Events (SSE) Demo

A browser-based group chat using Web API and Server-Sent Events.

Demo » Code »

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My SMS Web Chat App Preview

An Android app developed using Visual Studio Xamarin and C#.

Preview » Blog » Code »

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OWIN/Katana Pipeline and Middleware Components Demo

A simple ASP.NET MVC5 demo on OWIN/Katana pipeline and middleware components.

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Server Code »

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Bootstrap Navbar Menu Dropdown Display On Hover

A simple CSS fix to display Bootstrap's Navbar menu dropdown on hover.

Demo » Blog »

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Custom WebGrid (1st Iteration)

An ASP.NET MVC WebGrid with server-side sorting and paging, and simple filtering.

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Server Code »

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My 45 Shades of Grey

A play with CSS3 3D effects.

Demo »

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Text Animation

A play with CSS3 2D effects.

Demo » Blog »

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Fluid Layout

A responsive and fluid web page.

Demo » Blog »

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Non-Fluid Layout

A responsive web page but not as fluid when browser is resized.

Demo »

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Web Service Client Using jQuery AJAX

Shows how to consume a web service using jQuery AJAX.

Demo » Blog »

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Web Service Client Using HTTP POST

Shows how to consume a web service using HTTP POST.

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Code »

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Web Service Client Using Proxy Class

Shows how to consume a web service using proxy class.

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Code »

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Translate To French Web Service

Basic implementation of a legacy ASP.NET web service

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Code »

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Razor Syntax Basics

Shows how to use Razor, the default templating engine in ASP.NET MVC.

Demo (unavailable) » Blog » Code »

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Using Media Queries

Shows how media queries can make web page more responsive to browser width changes.

Demo » Blog »

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Fixed Width

Shows how content in fixed width web page is clipped when browser width is reduced.

Demo »

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To-Do List Javascript Application

A javascript-only implementation of a to-do list application.

Demo »