Updating my post back in 2015 here for year 2022.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • According to OWASP’s definition of XSS, XSS is a type of injection that occurs when a web application uses input from a user within the output it generates without validating or encoding it

  • To avoid XSS in ASP.NET, use Razor’s expression syntax with the @ symbol preceeding variable names, e.g. @InputString, as this will escape HTML characters in the input string by default

    For example the following code:

      @("<span>Hello World</span>")

    will render the following HTML:

      &lt;span&gt;Hello World&lt;/span&gt;
  • Use the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode() function inside your Razor code:

      <%= HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(UserInput) %>
  • Avoid using HtmlHelper.Raw(), unless you validate and sanitize the input string variable

Same Origin Policy and Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

  • According to MDN’s definition of same origin policy, same origin policy restricts how a document or script loaded by one origin can interact with a resource from another origin

  • 2 URLs have different origin if any of the following is different:

    • protocol (http vs https)
    • domain (https://my-site.com vs https://www.my-site.com)
    • port (:443 vs :5000)

  • CORS on the other hand, according to OWASP’s definition of CORS, allows a web application to expose resources to all or restricted domain and allows a web client to make AJAX request for resource on other domain than its source domain

  • The process involves the browser sending the Origin HTTP request header (with origin URL as its value) for cross domain request to the server. The server then sending the Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP response header (with origin URL as its value) to allow CORS. Then lastly the browser checking if URL in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header matches the origin URL.

  • To enable CORS per endpoint in ASP.NET:

  • You can enable CORS in web.config using <customHeaders> but this will apply for all requests:

                  <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="https://..." />

SQL Injection

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

  • According to OWASP’s definition of CSRF, CSRF forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they are currently authenticated.

  • An example of CSRF is luring a user to visit the attacker’s site where the attacker is able to send an authenticated HTTP request to the server being attacked that the user has previously logged in

  • To prevent CSRF in ASP.NET, antiforgery tokens are used and they work because the malicious page cannot read the user’s tokens, due to same-origin policies

    Use HtmlHelper.AntiForgeryToken() to add antiforgery token to a <form> element:

      @using (Html.BeginForm("DeleteProduct", "Admin")) {

    And add the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute to the controller action:

      public ActionResult DeleteProduct(...)
  • For ASP.NET Core, see Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) attacks in ASP.NET Core


  • ASP.NET or specifically IIS by default forbids downloading the web.config file via HTTP as this is configured in it’s config under <system.web>/<httpHandlers>:

              <add verb="*" path="*.config" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler" />
  • But still it should not contain sensitive information as this web.config file can be stored in the project’s source control repository

  • You can store your app settings and connections strings in an external file which you can refer to in your web.config (see <appSettings> file attribute and <connectionStrings> configSource attribute):

    <appSettings file="secrets.appSettings.config">
    <connectionStrings configSource="secrets.connectionStrings.config">

Password Hashing


  • Secure cookies in ASP.NET code (see HttpCookie Class) by setting the following properties:
    • Secure - set to true to only transmit cookie using SSL, that is over HTTPS
    • HttpOnly - set to true to prevent client-side script from accessing the cookie
    • SameSite - set to strict to prevent cookie from being sent in all cross-site browsing contexts or set to lax for a more balanced approach between security and usability

      cookie = new HttpCookie("NewCookie");
      cookie.Secure = true;
      cookie.HttpOnly = true;
      cookie.SameSite = SameSiteMode.Strict // or SameSiteMode.Lax


  • Secure sessions by setting properties in web.config under <system.web>/<sessionState> (see SessionStateSection Class) and <system.web>/<httpCookies> (see HttpCookiesSection Class):

  • Setting <sessionState> cookieless attribute to false will prevent encoding the session ID in the URL which is prone to a security attack and instead use a cookie to store the session ID

  • Setting <sessionState> regenerateExpiredSessionId attribute to false will prevent using the same session ID value when expired

  • Setting a <sessionState> timeout is recommended to prevent a session running too long which make it more vulnerable to security attack

Enforce HTTPS

  • Enforce HTTPS in ASP.NET code by redirecting after checking HttpRequest.IsSecureConnection:

     if (!HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection)
          Response.Redirect("https://" + Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] + HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl);
  • You can add a rewrite rule in web.config:

                  <rule name="HTTP to HTTPS redirect" stopProcessing="true"> 
                      <match url="(.*)" /> 
                          <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" ignoreCase="true" />
                      <action type="Redirect" redirectType="Permanent" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" />
  • Or you can add the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header to the response

  • For ASP.NET Core, see Enforce HTTPS in ASP.NET Core for information on UseHttpsRedirection() and UseHsts()

Error handling

  • Having a custom error page allows you to tailor your error messages from displaying too much information or from displaying sensitive information that can lead to a security attack

  • In ASP.NET, you can add custom error handler in Global.asax file under Application_Error():

      protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
          Exception exception = Server.GetLastError();
  • You can configure custom error messages/pages in web.config

    For example you can add this to your web.config file:

      <customErrors mode="On">
          <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Home/MyCustomErrorPage" />

    Then in your HomeController code, you would have this method defined:

      public ActionResult MyCustomErrorPage(...)

    And of course the corresponding view file MyCustomErrorPage.cshtml should have been created as well