AWS CloudFormation

Had the chance to work on AWS CloudFormation in my job. And I did not like it actually. Had a hard time reading it honestly. For those who is not familiar with CloudFormation, it’s AWS’s way of provisioning infrastructure in the cloud as code.

Coming from a programming background, having to write and understand a CloudFormation script is a steep learning curve for me. I call it a script because it does behave like a script that you run but instead of running code it creates your cloud infrastructure for you. AWS actually calls it a CloudFormation template.


Below is how a CloudFormation template looks. It’s just a snippet and it’s in YAML format.

    Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
      ImageId: "ami-0ff8a91507f77f867"
      SecurityGroups: !If [CreateNewSecurityGroup, !Ref NewSecurityGroup, !Ref ExistingSecurityGroup]
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
    Condition: CreateNewSecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Enable HTTP access via port 80
          IpProtocol: tcp
          FromPort: 80
          ToPort: 80


You can also write the template in JSON. Below is a snippet:

  "Resources" : {
    "S3Bucket" : {
      "Type" : "AWS::S3::Bucket",
      "Properties" : {
        "AccessControl" : "PublicRead",
        "WebsiteConfiguration" : {
          "IndexDocument" : "index.html",
          "ErrorDocument" : "error.html"
      "DeletionPolicy" : "Retain"

Serverless Framework

Then came the Serverless Framework which I also had the opportunity to use in my job. This is an open source project and it’s similar to AWS Cloudformation in that you can write the instructions to provision your cloud infrastructure in a plain text file. I found this more easier to write and read probably because it’s less typing involved and less verbose?

Serverless framework is popular among developers for deploying AWS Lambda functions, which is probably why I like this better than AWS CloudFormation. It will build, package and deploy code for you with one simple command: serverless deploy.


Below is a sample serverless yaml (serverless.yml) file:

service: users

functions: # Your "Functions"
    events: # The "Events" that trigger this function
      - httpApi: 'POST /users/create'
      - httpApi: 'DELETE /users/delete'

resources: # The "Resources" your "Functions" use. Raw AWS CloudFormation goes in here.

It can be written in JSON format as well (serverless.json) just like in AWS CloudFormation. In addition, which I didn’t know until now, you can write it in JavaScript (serverless.js) and TypeScript (serverless.ts) too. Man, this is getting better.


'use strict';

// serverless.js

module.exports = {
  service: 'users',
  functions: {
    usersCreate: {
      events: [
          httpApi: 'POST /users/create',
    // ...
  resources: {},


// Requiring @types/serverless in your project package.json
import type { Serverless } from 'serverless/aws';

// serverless.ts

const serverlessConfiguration: Serverless = {
  service: 'users',
  functions: {
    usersCreate: {
      events: [
          httpApi: 'POST /users/create',
    // ...
  resources: {},

module.exports = serverlessConfiguration;

AWS Cloud Development Kit

Now with AWS Cloud Development Kit, or CDK, (I think it’s the newer kid in this group if I’m not mistaken), you can write the instructions using familiar programming languages like Python, Java, and C#. Yeah you read that right. I’m a C# developer so maybe I can use this instead.


So below is what a cloud stack in C# looks like. With CDK, you create a cloud stack in your programming language.

using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3;

namespace HelloCdk
    public class HelloCdkStack : Stack
        public HelloCdkStack(App scope, string id, IStackProps props=null) : base(scope, id, props)
            new Bucket(this, "MyFirstBucket", new BucketProps
                Versioned = true

Then you run the cdk synth command to output the below CloudFormation template for you:

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        Status: Enabled
    UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain
    DeletionPolicy: Retain

To deploy, you just run the cdk deploy command. I’m really liking this more than AWS CloudFormation for sure. But compared to Serverless framework? Well I have yet to use CDK before I can decide.

So which one do you prefer? Whichever one you choose, I hope it’s right for you. I am just glad that we have these options, don’t you think?
