If you started programming MVC, in particular the Entity Framework Model, and find yourself filtering your data model using the **Where()** method, you should know by now that you can chain this method instead of using the query syntax.

// using query syntax - calling Where method once
carQuery.Where(c => c.Color == ‘red’ && c.Price < 10000);

// using method chaining - calling Where method multiple times
carQuery.Where(c => c.Color == ‘red’).Where(c => c.Price < 10000);

// method chaining is useful in a loop
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> filter in filters)
string filterVal = filter.Value;
switch (filter.Key)
case “Color”:
carQuery = carQuery.Where(c => c.Color == filterVal).
case “Price”:
int price = Int32.Parse(filterVal);
carQuery = carQuery.Where(c => c.Price < price).

There are other ways to do predicates but  are more advance topic than the ones mentioned above.  The links below talks about them: