.NET Code Documentation And Testing: They Are There, Why Not Use It?
Remember the “///”? They are the C# XML documentation comments and they are pretty useful when you are building your APIs and frameworks so other developers who use your code can at least see some useful information on your classes and methods through the intellisense provided by the Visual Studio IDE. Take the following sample code below. ... Read More
I'm familiar with .NET Framework, so what is .NET Standard and .NET Core?
Basically .NET Framework is an implementation of .NET, much like Mono if you know Mono. .NET Core is a newer implementation of .NET that is dubbed as cross-platform and designed for cloud. Now .NET Standard is what is common among these .NET implementations and if your .NET app targets .NET Standard, it would mean that it can run on any .NET i... Read More
My notes on Angular (2.0+)
I’ve been following Angular for a while now and decided recently to develop Angular 2.0+ applications (skipped the previous version, AngularJS, as it’s totally different) . My initial impression: it does make developing SPA easy and opens the door to the world of open-source frameworks and libraries. So here are some notes I gathered. An ... Read More
Multi-threading in C#: A must have in your programming arsenal (IMO)
You might not need to use multi-threading in all of your C# applications but as a modern software developer, you should make this part of your toolkit. Wikipedia best explains what thread is. It also explains the difference between threads and processes and delves into the topic of multi-threading as well, which is what thread is for. B... Read More
A chat app that receives SMS and sends HTTP messages (A Xamarin Android App Preview)
PREVIEW A while back, I delved into Android development using Android Studio and Java (in this article). It was a little bit difficult for me as I need to familiarize myself with Android Studio and relearn Java. But with Xamarin now part of Visual Studio, it became easier. All I need to concern myself is the Android development itself. So i... Read More