I haven’t made a post for almost 5 years now since I took this job which I’m still at right now. I’m going 5 years in this job pretty soon. Part of the reason is of course the pandemic. The other is it just kept me busy and kept me learning… and I learned a lot. But what’s with the title then? I thought of posting this on LinkedIn and see if that title catches attention.

Anyways, that aside, I just wanted to share that I put up my web site again (as it was down for while now) and this time hosted on GitHub at rodansotto.github.io. I thought it makes sense for my web site which features coding projects I did in my spare time, to live besides their source code. Yes I have uploaded my source code to GitHub and this will be my code repository moving forward. You can see my repositories at github.com/rodansotto. Also, I migrated my technical blog from WordPress to GitHub and it’s now at rodansotto.github.io/tech-blog. So if you are reading this now, then you are reading this on GitHub.

Enough of the intro, let’s get down to business. I wanted to share in this post what I learned as a software developer in the last almost 5 years and anything else I want to learn further moving forward. I will not go into details on each one of them as I want to keep this post from getting too long. Just going to list them out for now.

As far as back end technologies goes, here is a list of things I learned:

And for front end technologies:

What I would look to try or learn next are:

  • React or Vue (just one of them for now). Maybe create a to do list app which will be a part of like a mail or calendar app similar to Google Mail or Google Calendar.
  • Angular. Actually continue learning it (it’s a big framework btw) by building more features on this Angular project I worked on last time, the product catalog, to maybe make it more like an Amazon online store, right?.
  • ASP.NET Core. Probably only for it’s Web API and SignalR. I’m still interested with ASP.Net Core. I’m thinking of getting a free Azure account to play with these and maybe try out the other free stuff there.
  • Phython / Machine Learning. Yes machine learning has been in my radar for a while now. It’s a pretty big scope and it’s very technical if I may say. There are so many stuff out there being put out with how to make machines learn. I’m interested in using Phython for this. I recently read about this article Top 100 Machine Learning Project Ideas for Tech Enthusiasts and it can definitely be a source of motivation.
  • Metaverse Application Development. Technologies surrounding this really piqued my interest. I’m hoping they would be useful outside of social networking, like maybe in the medical fields or somewhere else. This article The Skills You Need To Become a Metaverse Developer lists out those technologies.
  • Blockchain Application Development. I’m interested on blockchain technologies for non-financial applications though. This article A Complete Roadmap to Blockchain Development will serve as an introduction and guide.

Now we’ve come to the end of this post. Writing a blog really takes time, for me at least. I would prefer to spend it coding on my projects than blogging. But I will make it to a point to put one every month. So that’s it, all 5 years worth in one post, well just in summary.