I was looking for a way to deploy reports on the production server without going through the Report Manager and deploying one report at a time.  Then I stumbled upon RS.EXE, a scripting hosting utility that uses VB.NET script.  With VB.NET script you can deploy all your reports.

But how do you deploy SSRS reports in VB.NET?  Instead of creating one from scratch I searched the Internet and found one from John Desch’s blog Using the RS.EXE utility to deploy a Report Server Project and Shared Dataset.  It was said to be one of the best automated script available but one of the problems with the script is it does not support 2008SP1 which I need it to.

Good thing I found another script based on John Desch’s script but with enhancements including support for 2008SP1.  I found the script from Nishar’s blog SSRS Deployment–Complete Automation–2012 & 2008

I slightly modified the Commonscript.rss file for my own purposes.

‘Begin Script

Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing

Dim bytedefinition As [Byte]() = Nothing

Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing

‘Main Entry point of utility

Public Sub Main()

Console.WriteLine("Initiating Deployment")  
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials  
    'Create the shared data source  
    CreateFolders(DataSourceFolderName, "/", "", "Visible")  
    'Create the folder that will contain the shared data sets  
    'CreateFolders(DataSetFolderName, "/", "", "Visible")  
    'Create the folder that will contain the deployed reports  
    CreateFolders(ReportFolderName, "/", "", "Visible")  
Catch goof As Exception  
End Try  
ReadFiles(ReportSourcePath, "*.rds")  
'ReadFiles(ReportSourcePath, "*.rsd")  
ReadFiles(ReportSourcePath, "*.rdl")  
'Publish the report  
'UpdateDataSources(ReportFolderName, DataSourcePath)  

End Sub

‘Utility for creation of folders

Public Sub CreateFolders(ByVal folderName As String, ByVal parentPath As String, ByVal description As String, ByVal visible As String)

Console.WriteLine("Checking for Target Folders")  
'CatalogItem properties  
Dim descriptionProp As New \[Property\]  
descriptionProp.Name = "Description"  
descriptionProp.Value = description  
Dim visibleProp As New \[Property\]  
visibleProp.Name = "Visible"  
visibleProp.value = visible  
Dim props(1) As \[Property\]  
props(0) = descriptionProp  
props(1) = visibleProp  
    rs.CreateFolder(folderName, parentPath, props)  
    Console.WriteLine("Folder {0} successfully created", foldername)  
Catch goof As SoapException  
    If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists") > 0 Then  
        Console.WriteLine("Folder {0} already exists", foldername)  
    End If  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Utility for reading files from the Report Sevices Project

Public Sub ReadFiles(filepath As String, fileextension As String)

Console.WriteLine("Reading Files from Report Services Project")  
Dim rptdirinfo As System.IO.DirectoryInfo  
rptdirinfo = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(filepath)  
Dim filedoc As FileInfo()  
filedoc = rptdirinfo.GetFiles(fileextension)  
    For rptcount As Integer = 0 To filedoc.Length - 1  
        If Not filedoc(rptcount).Name.ToString.Trim.ToUpper.Contains("BACKUP") Then  
            Select Case fileextension  
                Case "*.rds"  
                Case "*.rsd"  
                Case "*.rdl"  
            End Select  
        End If  
Catch goof As Exception  
    Console.WriteLine("In ReadFiles " + goof.message)  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Utility for Creating Shared Data Sets contained in the project

Public Sub CreateDataSet(ByVal filename As String)

Dim valstart As Integer  
Dim valend As Integer  
Dim DSDefinitionStr As String  
Dim DataSourceName As String  
Dim QueryString As String  
    Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(ReportSourcePath + "\\" + filename)  
    definition = New \[Byte\](stream.Length - 1) {}  
    stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))  
    For i As Integer = 0 To definition.Length - 1  
        DSDefinitionStr = DSDefinitionStr + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(definition(i).ToString)))  
    valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Indexof("<DataSourceReference>")  
    If valstart > 0 Then  
        valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<DataSourceReference>") + 21  
        valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</DataSourceReference>")  
        DataSourceName = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)  
    End If  
Catch e As IOException  
End Try  
filename = filename.tostring.replace(".rsd", "")  
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Deploy DataSet {0}", filename)  
    Dim item As CatalogItem  
    item = rs.CreateCatalogItem("DataSet", filename, "/" + DataSetFolderName, True, definition, Nothing, warnings)  
    If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then  
        Dim warning As Warning  
        For Each warning In warnings  
            If warning.message.tostring.tolower.contains("refers to the shared data source") Then  
                Console.WriteLine("Connecting DataSet {0} to Data Source {1}", filename, DataSourceName)  
                Dim referenceData() As ItemReferenceData = rs.GetItemReferences("/" + DataSetFolderName + "/" + filename, "DataSet")  
                Dim references(0) As ItemReference  
                Dim reference As New ItemReference()  
                Dim datasourceURL = "/" + DataSourcePath + "/" + DataSourceName  
                reference.name = referenceData(0).Name  
                Console.WriteLine("Reference name = " + reference.name)  
                reference.Reference = datasourceURL  
                references(0) = reference  
                rs.SetItemReferences("/" + DataSetFolderName + "/" + filename, references)  
            End If  
        Next warning  
        Console.WriteLine("DataSet: {0} published successfully with no warnings", filename)  
    End If  
Catch goof As SoapException  
    If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists") > 0 Then  
        Console.WriteLine("The DataSet {0} already exists", fileName.ToString)  
        If goof.Message.IndexOf("published") = -1 Then  
        End If  
    End If  
End Try  
'UpdateDataSetSources(filename,DataSetFolderName, DataSourceFolderName,DataSourceName)  

End Sub

‘Utility for creating Data Sources on the Server

Public Sub CreateDataSource(filename As String)

'Define the data source definition.  
Dim dsDefinition As New DataSourceDefinition()  
Dim DataSourceName As String  
Dim valstart As Integer  
Dim valend As Integer  
Dim ConnectionString As String  
Dim Extension As String  
Dim IntegratedSec As String  
Dim DataSourceID As String  
Dim PromptStr As String  
PromptStr = ""  
Dim DSDefinitionStr As String  
DSDefinitionStr = ""  
DataSourceName = filename.tostring.trim.substring(0, filename.tostring.trim.length - 4)  
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Deploy Data Source {0}", DataSourceName)  
    Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(ReportSourcePath + "\\" + filename)  
    bytedefinition = New \[Byte\](stream.Length - 1) {}  
    stream.Read(bytedefinition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))  
    For i As Integer = 0 To bytedefinition.Length - 1  
        DSDefinitionStr = DSDefinitionStr + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(bytedefinition(i).ToString)))  
Catch goof As IOException  
End Try  
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<ConnectString>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</ConnectString>") Then  
    valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<ConnectString>") + 15  
    valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</ConnectString>")  
    ConnectionString = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)  
End If  
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<Extension>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</Extension>") Then  
    valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<Extension>") + 11  
    valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</Extension>")  
    Extension = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)  
End If  
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<IntegratedSecurity>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</IntegratedSecurity>") Then  
    valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<IntegratedSecurity>") + 20  
    valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</IntegratedSecurity>")  
    IntegratedSec = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)  
End If  
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<DataSourceID>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</DataSourceID>") Then  
    valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<DataSourceID>") + 14  
    valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</DataSourceID>")  
    DataSourceID = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)  
End If  
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<Prompt>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</Prompt>") Then  
    valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<Prompt>") + 8  
    valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</Prompt>")  
    PromptStr = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)  
End If  
dsdefinition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Integrated  
dsdefinition.ConnectString = ConnectionString  
dsdefinition.Enabled = True  
dsdefinition.EnabledSpecified = True  
dsdefinition.Extension = extension  
dsdefinition.ImpersonateUser = False  
dsdefinition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True  
'Use the default prompt string.  
If PromptStr.ToString.Length = 0 Then  
    dsdefinition.Prompt = Nothing  
    dsdefinition.Prompt = PromptStr  
End If  
dsdefinition.WindowsCredentials = False  
    rs.CreateDataSource(DataSourceName, "/" + DataSourceFolderName, False, dsdefinition, Nothing)  
    Console.WriteLine("Data source {0} created successfully", DataSourceName.ToString)  
Catch goof As SoapException  
    If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists") > 0 Then  
        Console.WriteLine("The Data Source name {0} already exists", DataSourceName.ToString)  
    End If  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Utility to Publish the Reports

Public Sub PublishReport(ByVal reportName As String)

    Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(ReportSourcePath + "\\" + reportName)  
    definition = New \[Byte\](stream.Length - 1) {}  
    stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))  
Catch e As IOException  
End Try  
reportname = reportname.tostring.replace(".rdl", "")  
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Deploy Report Name {0}", reportname.tostring)  
Dim item As CatalogItem  
    item = rs.CreateCatalogItem("Report", reportname, "/" + ReportFolderName, True, definition, Nothing, warnings)  
    'warnings = rs.CreateCatalogItem(reportName, "/" + ReportFolderName, False, definition, Nothing)  
    If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then  
        If item.Name <> "" Then  
            Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with warnings", reportName)  
            Dim warning As Warning  
            For Each warning In warnings  
            Next warning  
        End If  
        Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with no warnings", reportName)  
    End If  
Catch goof As SoapException  
    If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists") > 0 Then  
        Console.WriteLine("The Report Name {0} already exists", reportName.ToString)  
        If goof.Message.IndexOf("published") = -1 Then  
        End If  
    End If  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Utility to Update The Data Sources on the Server

Public Sub UpdateDataSources(ReportFolderName As String, DataSourcePath As String)

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials  
Dim item As CatalogItem  
Dim items As CatalogItem()  
    items = rs.ListChildren("/" + ReportFolderName, False)  
    For Each item In items  
        'Console.WriteLine("          update date source called     --------"+ item.Path + " -----------")  
        If item.path.Indexof("rdl") > 0 And ReportName = "" Then  
            'Console.WriteLine("          update date source called     --------"+ item.path.Indexof("rdl").tostring() + " -----------")  
            Dim dataSources() As DataSource = rs.GetItemDataSources(item.Path)  
            For Each ds As DataSource In dataSources  
                Dim sharedDs(0) As DataSource  
                sharedDs(0) = GetDataSource(DataSourcePath, ds.Name)  
                rs.SetItemDataSources(item.Path, sharedDs)  
                Console.WriteLine("Set " & ds.Name & " datasource for " & item.Path & " report")  
                'end if  
        End If  
    If ReportName = "" Then  
        Console.WriteLine("Shared data source reference set for reports in the {0} folder.", ReportFolderName)  
    End If  
    If ReportName <> "" Then  
        '    Console.WriteLine("               " + "/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName + "  ------------- second  update called        ---------------------- ")  
        Dim dataSources() As DataSource = rs.GetItemDataSources("/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName)  
        For Each ds As DataSource In dataSources  
            Dim sharedDs(0) As DataSource  
            sharedDs(0) = GetDataSource(DataSourcePath, ds.Name)  
            rs.SetItemDataSources("/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName, sharedDs)  
            Console.WriteLine("Set " & ds.Name & " datasource for " & "/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName & " report")  
            'end if  
        Console.WriteLine("All the shared data source reference set for report {0} ", "/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName)  
    End If  
Catch goof As SoapException  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Utility to Update The Data Sources on the Server

Public Sub UpdateDataSources_report(ReportName As String)

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials  
Dim item As CatalogItem  
Dim items As CatalogItem()  
    'If ReportName <> "" then  
    '    Console.WriteLine("               " + "/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName + "  ------------- second  update called        ---------------------- ")  
    Dim dataSources() As DataSource = rs.GetItemDataSources("/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName)  
    For Each ds As DataSource In dataSources  
        Dim sharedDs(0) As DataSource  
        sharedDs(0) = GetDataSource(DataSourcePath, ds.Name)  
        rs.SetItemDataSources("/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName, sharedDs)  
        Console.WriteLine("Set " & ds.Name & " datasource for " & "/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName & " report")  
        'end if  
    Console.WriteLine("All the shared data source reference set for report {0} ", "/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName)  
    'end if      
Catch goof As SoapException  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Utility to link The Dataset with the Report

Public Sub UpdateDataSet_report(ReportName As String)

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials  
    Dim dataSets As ItemReferenceData() = rs.GetItemReferences("/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName, "DataSet")  
    If dataSets IsNot Nothing AndAlso dataSets.Length > 0 AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSets(0).Name) Then  
        For i As Integer = 0 To dataSets.Length - 1  
            Dim references(0) As ItemReference  
            Dim sharedDataSet = New ItemReference()  
            sharedDataSet.Name = dataSets(i).Name  
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Link Dataset {0}", dataSets(i).Name)  
            sharedDataSet.Reference = "/" + DataSetFolderName + "/" + dataSets(i).Name  
            references(0) = sharedDataSet  
            rs.SetItemReferences("/" + ReportFolderName + "/" + ReportName, references)  
            Console.WriteLine("Report " + ReportName + " Linked to data set " + "/" + DataSetFolderName + "/" + Convert.ToString(sharedDataSet.Name))  
    End If  
Catch goof As SoapException  
End Try  

End Sub

‘Function to Reference Data Sources

Private Function GetDataSource(sharedDataSourcePath As String, dataSourceName As String) As DataSource

Dim reference As New DataSourceReference()  
Dim ds As New DataSource  
reference.Reference = "/" + sharedDataSourcePath & "/" & dataSourceName  
ds.Item = CType(reference, DataSourceDefinitionOrReference)  
ds.Name = dataSourceName  
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Link Data Source {0}", ds.Name)  
GetDataSource = ds  

End Function

I also modified the deploy.bat file as well.

set ServerPath=http://localhost/ReportServer
set DataSourceFolderName=Data Sources
set DataSourcePath=Data Sources
set DataSetFolderName=Datasets
set ReportFolderName=My Reports
set ReportSourcePath=.\My Reports
set ReportName=

-i Commonscript.rss
-s %ServerPath%
-v DataSourceFolderName=”%DataSourceFolderName%”
-v DataSourcePath=”%DataSourcePath%”
-v DataSetFolderName=”%DataSetFolderName%”
-v ReportFolderName=”%ReportFolderName%”
-v ReportSourcePath=”%ReportSourcePath%”
-v ReportName=”%ReportName%”
-e Mgmt2010