To illustrate raising events, let’s pick a very simple but classic example of a publisher and subscriber relationship.  Note that events make use of delegates and if you need to brush up on delegates, check my post here.

// So here you have a publisher class public class Publisher { // Inside you declare a public event // And the delegate type for the event is EventHandler public event EventHandler Published;

// The event needs to be public to allow public subscription
//  (e.g. p.Published += Subscriber1)
// Also one might ask why we need the event keyword when, without it,
//  making it a delegate, it basically does the same thing
// Well, declaring an event lets you raise the event privately, but
//  still allow public subscription
// With a public delegate, anyone can remove other people's event
//  handlers, raise the events themselves, etc. - an encapsulation
//  disaster
// Also when it's declared an event, it will appear in the list
//  of properties with a lightning icon beside it

// So EventHandler is a delegate type that accepts an object and an 
//  EventArgs parameters and returns void
// You can code the following instead and it will do the same thing
public delegate void PublishedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event PublishedEventHandler Published;

// You can actually use a different event parameter if you prefer, 
//  but that will mean not following the standard event handling
public delegate void PublishedEventHandler(string title);
public event PublishedEventHandler Published;

// Also, using EventArgs for your event handler means you can't pass
//  any event data to your event handler
// If you need to pass data, you can use any event data type (like a
//  string in the example above) or class.
// Standard practice is to use an event data class derived from
//  EventArgs and this will also require you to define a custom event
//  handler delegate type
public class PublishedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string Title { get; set; }
public delegate void PublishedEventHandler(object sender, 
                                            PublishedEventArgs e);
public event PublishedEventHandler Published;

// Next, you raise the event with the following method
// The method needs to be protected and virtual so that any derived
//  classes can override it if necessary
protected virtual void OnPublished(EventHandler e)
    EventHandler handler = Published;
    if (handler != null)
        // Here we are calling the delegate which in turn invokes all
        //  the methods in it's invocation list (if there is more than
        //  one method to invoke)
        handler(this, e);

// Then the following public method just provides the publisher a
//  means to notify it's subsribers of a newly published title
public void Publish()

// But if you are passing event data...
protected virtual void OnPublished(PublishedEventArgs e)
    PublishedEventHandler handler = Published;
    if (handler != null)
        handler(this, e);

public void Publish()
    PublishedEventArgs e = new PublishedEventArgs();
    e.Title = "Hello World!!!";
}     }

// Somewhere in code outside the Publisher class, you have the following // subscribers or event handlers static void Subscriber1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(“Subscriber1 notified of new title”); }

static void Subscriber2(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(“Subscriber2 notified of new title”); }

// Again, if you are passing event data… static void Subscriber1(object sender, PublishedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(“Subscriber1 notified of new title “ + e.Title); }

// Lastly, here you instantiate a publisher, // add the following subscribers, // and then publish a new title Publisher p = new Publisher(); p.Published += Subscriber1; p.Published += Subscriber2; p.Publish();