This post is a follow-up to my previous posts, Object Oriented Programming In Javascript and JavaScript Array and How It’s Different from Object.  In this post I will touch on regular expressions, error handling, basic DOM scripting, image preloading, and timing events.

Regular Expressions

// creating patterns
var pattern1 = new RegExp(“Rodan”); // using constructor
var pattern2 = /Rodan/; // using literal enclosed in “/”

// testing strings against the patterns
alert(pattern1.test(“Rodan Sotto”)); // displays true
alert(pattern2.test(“John Doe”)); // displays false

// using String methods search, match, and replace with regular expressions
var string1 = “Rodan Sotto”;
var string2 = “John Doe”;

// below will display 6, the starting position of the substring found
// below will display -1, which means no substring found

alert(string1.match(/Sotto/)); // displays an array [“Sotto”]
alert(string2.match(/Sotto/)); // displays null

// below will display “Rodan Nolastname”
alert(string1.replace(/Sotto/, “Nolastname”));
// below will display “John Doe”
alert(string2.replace(/Sotto/, “Nolastname”));

See JavaScript RegExp Object for more information.

Error Handling

var testErrorHandling = function () {
try {
alert(“Throwing an error inside the try block…”);
throw(new Error(“You’ve got an error!!!”));
catch (error) {
finally {
alert(“Error or not, finally will get executed”);

Basic DOM Scripting has a very good beginner resource on HTML DOM.

  • DOM stands for Document Object Model.  Everything in DOM is a node.  A Node can be any of the following:
    • Document Node
    • Element Node
    • Attribute Node
    • Text Node
    • Comment Node
  • Document Object, which represents your web page, is the first object you will need to access the DOM.  It is the root node of the HTML document and the owner of all other nodes.  See Document Object Properties and Methods.
  • Element Object, which represents an HTML element, is the second object you will need to access the DOM.  Most commonly a call to document.getElementById() method will return an element object.  An element object is also an element node.  It can have child nodes such as element nodes, attribute nodes, text nodes, or comment nodes.  See Element Object Properties and Methods.
  • An Element Object can be one of the following:
    • Anchor Object
    • Image Object
    • Button Object
    • etc., each of which can have it’s own set of properties and method.
  • And lastly, the Attr Object which represents an HTML attribute and always belongs to an HTML element.  See Attr Object Properties and Methods.
  • Events.  See HTML DOM Events.  It lists the different events such as:
    • Mouse Events
    • Keyboard Events
    • Frame/Object Events
    • Form Events
    • It also lists the properties and methods of event objects that event handlers have access to such as:
      • Event Object
      • EventTarget Object
      • EventListener Object
      • DocumentEvent Object
      • MouseEvent Object
      • KeyboardEvent Object

Default Action Cancellation

var event_handler = function(evt) {
if (!evt) evt = window.event; // for IE

// ...  
// cancel default action  
if (evt.preventDefault) {  
    evt.preventDefault();       // for most browsers  
else {  
    evt.returnValue = false;    // for IE  
}   }  

window.onload = function() {
var link = document.getElementById(“link”);
link.onclick = event_handler;

Image Preloading

var image = new Image();
image.src = “image.jpg”;
// or
image.src = link.href;

Timing Events

JavaScript also provides for executing code at specific time-intervals using setInterval() and setTimeout() methods.  See JavaScript Timing Events.