• Common Table Expression (CTE) is easy to use since you don’t have to create a table or even drop them after use and you can reference it multiple times and anywhere in the query.  You would use it like this in it’s simplest form:

    WITH Table2 AS ( SELECT * FROM Table1 ) SELECT * FROM Table2



  • ROW_NUMBER() and RANK() is useful in numbering or ranking the records based on a criteria.  Both of them are used pretty much the same way and below is an example of using RANK() in it’s simplest form:

    SELECT *, RANK() OVER(ORDER BY Grade DESC) AS StudentRank FROM StudentGrades



  • Derived Table allows you to substitute a query in place of a table in the FROM or JOIN clause for example.  Below is one such use:

    SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM Table1 ) AS Table2



  • OPENXML() is useful if you want to view your XML data in a series of rows and columns pretty much like a table.  For more information, click here